Happy Piper 1819 - 2 Reproduction Cross Stitch Sampler Patterns (PDF)

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Happy Piper 1819 includes reproduction guides for two antique samplers from the Whilst Iris Naps private collection.  Happy chose to stitch her samplers separately but at some point in time they were joined together.  While we have stitched and framed our model stitches as separate pieces the pattern dimensions are very simlar which would allow for stitching side by side or one above the other if you so wish.  Happy came from a village called Hawkhurst, Kent, in the South East of England and a short biography is included in the PDF (see our Sampler Locations page for maps and other location information for all our samplers).

Happy's Alphabets sampler has a stitch count of 88 x 161 which measures approximately 4 7/8 x 9 inches (12.4 x 22.9cm).  The pattern is predominantly cross stitch over two linen threads but there is also a small amount of over one, a row of Algerian eyelets and 2 rows of four sided stitch.  The PDF includes guides for the speciality stitches.

Happy's Verse sampler has a stitch count of 84 x 161 which measures approximately 4 3/4 x 9 inches (12.1 x 22.9cm).  The verse text is over one, all the design elements are cross stitch over two linen threads except where satin stitch is used around her name.  Any special elements are described with instructions in the PDF.  

We provide easy to follow cross stitch patterns which include all the stitching information you will need to complete and enjoy either or both of these reproductions.  Upon purchase you will have access to both A4 (UK) and letter (US) formatted PDFs. 

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